Interesting Facts About Space

Interesting facts about space

Space is the fourth state of matter.

The first use of the

word "space" dates

back to 1504 BC in a

Hindu text, which

compares space with a

beautiful woman.

Only 2% of the universe

is made up of matter

that humans can see.

The closest star to Earth is Proxima

Centauri at 4.24 light

years away.

There are more stars in

our Milky Way galaxy

than grains of sand on all of planet Earth's

beaches combined!

In October 2017,


announced they had

discovered what they believe may be an entire new solar system

- one that suddenly

doesn't have any

planets orbiting it!

There are estimated to be over 100 billion

galaxies in the

observable universe!!

Space is fascinating,

but not to be messed


Astronauts have

travelled to space and

back more than 1,000


The universe is

expanding at an

accelerating rate.

There is a huge

expanse of uncharted

territory beyond the

moon's orbit that we

haven't explored yet.

Our solar system, along with all other planetary systems in the Milky Way galaxy are made

up of billions of

individual planets,

moons and asteroids

which orbit around

stars similar or larger

than our sun.

Space is amazing and

we should be exploring

it more

Space is a very big place.

Space has a lot of junk

that we can't see, like

dust and gases.

Earth is not the only

planet with water on it!

Earth is not the only

place in our solar

system that life exists.

There are other planets out there besides

Earth! And they are

bigger than ours, too!

Nobody knows how many moons the Earth

has or how big they are

-- but we do know

there's one moon called


Space is awesome!

Our galaxy, the Milky

Way, is positioned in a

spiral arm of our own

galaxy known as the

Local Group, which

contains around 50

other galaxies with

masses comparable to


To know more pls comment for part 2


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