Amazing Facts About Japan

Amazing Facts About Japan


Japan is one of the most fascinating countries in the world. It has an ancient culture, beautiful scenery and delicious food, but it also has some very interesting facts that most people don't know about! Here are some facts about Japan:

Amazing Facts About Japan

Japan is actually an archipelago that is made up of four major islands and around 6,852 small islands.

Japan is actually an archipelago that is made up of four major islands and around 6,852 small islands. The country boasts a total land area of 377,944 square miles (981,500 square kilometers).

The largest island in Japan is Hokkaido, which accounts for about 40% of the nation's total area. The smallest island is Okino Torishima (also known as Minami Torishima), which measures just 2.7 square miles (7 sq km) in size!

Tokyo, Japan’s capital, is one of the most populous cities in the world with more than 13 million inhabitants.

Tokyo, Japan's capital, is one of the most populous cities in the world with more than 13 million inhabitants.

Tokyo's metropolitan area has a population of over 30 million people and is one of the largest urban agglomerations on Earth.

The top three highest mountains in Japan are Mount Fuji, Mount Kita and Mount Kaikoma.

The top three highest mountains in Japan are Mount Fuji, Mount Kita and Mount Kaikoma.

Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano that stands at 3776 meters high. Located on the island of Honshu, it's one of Japan's most famous sites and has long been considered an icon of Japanese culture. The mountain is known for its majestic beauty as well as its association with certain legends and myths: according to legend, anyone who climbs this mountain without falling will be granted eternal happiness or immortality!

In Japan, more than 70% of its land is covered by woods, forests and mountains.

Japan is a mountainous country, with more than 70% of its land covered by woods, forests and mountains. It has five major islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and Okinawa. The highest mountain in Japan is Mount Fuji at 3776m (12388ft) above sea level.

Most parts of Japan have a humid sub-tropical climate with warm summers and cool winters.

Most parts of Japan have a humid subtropical climate with warm summers and cool winters. The northernmost island of Hokkaido has a subarctic climate, while the southernmost islands of Okinawa receive tropical rainfall and are very warm year-round.

The Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands are the only volcanically active parts of Japan.

The Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands are the only volcanically active parts of Japan. They are located in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of Tokyo.

The Izu chain consists of 11 islands and one peninsula; it stretches for about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from north to south, with a maximum width of about 50 kilometers (30 miles). The highest point on Izu Oshima island is Mount Mihara at 1,116 meters above sea level.

The official currency of Japan is Yen that was adopted in the year 1871. One US dollar equals to 106.85 Japanese Yen as of March 2018.

Sushi is the national dish of Japan. It originated during the 2nd century in Southeast Asia as a means to preserve food over the summer months.

Sushi is the national dish of Japan. It originated during the 2nd century in Southeast Asia as a means to preserve food over the summer months. The fermentation process allowed people to store their fish for longer periods of time without having it go bad, and this idea eventually spread from Indonesia all across Asia until it eventually made its way to Japan.

Sushi was first developed by Buddhist monks who used rice as an offering for their gods, but eventually became popular enough that people began eating it themselves!

Yakuza means “good for nothing” but is actually the name given to an organized crime syndicate originating from Japan. Smaller groups are called Boryokudan (violent groups) or Bōryoku-kai (violence groups).

Yakuza means "good for nothing" but is actually the name given to an organized crime syndicate originating from Japan. Smaller groups are called Boryokudan (violent groups) or Bōryoku-kai (violence groups).

Yakuza originated from the feudal era when they were known as gamblers, pimps, and thieves who worked for local warlords known as daimyōs. They also served as hired muscle in labor disputes between workers and employers; this role has been compared with similar functions performed by gangsters in Chicago during the 1920s.[1] After World War II, yakuza were not allowed to exist anymore under strict laws passed by General Douglas MacArthur (1880–1964), so they went underground until 1955 when Japan enacted its first general amnesty law since 1945 which allowed people convicted of minor crimes to be released early from prison sentences without serving time remaining on their sentences and gave them back some civil rights such as voting rights.[2]

Japan is the 10th most populated country in the world.

In 2017, Japan had a population of 126 million people. It is the tenth most populated country in the world and has one of the highest life expectancies at 83 years old. According to Forbes magazine, Tokyo is one of the best cities for business travelers because it has great public transportation, hotels and restaurants as well as being relatively safe compared to other big cities like New York City or London.

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan with a height of 3776 meters.

Japan is a country that has some of the most amazing natural wonders in the world. One of these wonders is Mount Fuji, which is located on Honshu Island. It is considered to be one of Japan's three sacred mountains and it can be seen from anywhere within Tokyo city limits.

Mount Fuji was formed by volcanic activity over many millennia and stands at a height of 3776 meters above sea level making it the highest mountain in all of Japan!

Japanese eat more fish than any other nation in the world.

The Japanese are a very fishy people. In fact, they eat more fish than any other nation in the world. The average Japanese person consumes about 20 kilograms of seafood per year--that's about 44 pounds!

Japanese are one of the longest living people on earth.

The Japanese have one of the longest life expectancies in the world. In 2010, it was 82.5 years for men and 86.9 years for women. This can be attributed to several factors including dietary habits, exercise routines and low stress levels in everyday life.

The number 4 is considered unlucky and avoided in Japan because it sounds like "death." The word for death can be pronounced as "shi" which can also mean 4.

The number 4 is considered unlucky and avoided in Japan because it sounds like "death." The word for death can be pronounced as "shi" which can also mean 4.

In addition to avoiding the number 4, you should never give someone a gift that has four corners on it or one with four sides. If someone gives you such a gift, they will expect something in return but don't feel obligated to reciprocate if you don't want to give them anything back! Also avoid giving gifts of clocks or watches because they have four hands (two at each end).

It's also bad luck when there are four people sitting around a table together so try not to sit next to anyone who has already been seated when you arrive at a restaurant or party so that there aren't any empty seats between yours and theirs!

The bullet train Shinkansen has never had a fatal accident.

The Shinkansen, or bullet train, has never had a fatal accident. The first line opened in 1964 and since then it's carried over 10 billion passengers with no deaths. There are some who say it's because of the way they're engineered; others attribute this safety record to divine intervention. Whatever the case may be, you can rest assured that Japan's trains will get you where you need to go safely!

The average life expectancy for women in Japan is 86 years old. For men, it's about 79 years old.

The average life expectancy for women in Japan is 86 years old. For men, it's about 79 years old.

While this may seem like an impressive feat--and it certainly is!--it also means that there are more elderly people who need care than ever before. As such, the government has had to step up its game when it comes to offering elder care services and facilities around the country.

Tokyo Disneyland was the first Disney theme park built outside United States. Tokyo Disneysea is the second most visited theme park in the world.

Tokyo Disneyland was the first Disney theme park to be built outside of the United States. It is also the most visited theme park in Japan, with an estimated 16 million annual visitors.

Tokyo Disneysea is the second most visited theme park in the world, behind only its sister park Disneyland Paris (which has 17 million visitors per year).

Tokyo has more Michelin star restaurants than Paris and Rome combined.

Tokyo has more Michelin star restaurants than Paris and Rome combined.

With only 39 stars to its name, Tokyo is home to six times as many Michelin-starred restaurants than Paris (8) and Rome (7). While it might be hard to believe that such an enormous city could have so much foodie culture, it's true!

There are over 50,000 vending machines that dispense drinks in Japan alone. That's nearly 1 vending machine per every 200 people! They're everywhere you go!

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Over 25% of forest of Japan covers entire landmass of the country which makes it one of the greenest countries on earth.

Over 25% of forest of Japan covers entire landmass of the country which makes it one of the greenest countries on earth.

Japan is also known for its unique flora and fauna species, which includes over 3,000 kinds of trees and shrubs, 1,800 kinds of insects, 1,500 types of birds (including rare ones like red-crowned cranes), 100 amphibians and reptiles (such as Japanese giant salamander), 30 mammals (like brown bear), 10 fish species (including native eel).

Japan is full of interesting facts!

Japan is full of interesting facts!

  • The Japanese language has over 1,000 different ways to say "thank you."

  • Tokyo was once called Edo. It's the world's largest city, with a population of 13 million people living in it--and that doesn't include all the tourists who visit each year!

  • Japan has four major islands: Honshu (where most of its people live), Hokkaido (the northernmost island), Shikoku (the smallest), and Kyushu (in southern Japan).


Japan is a fascinating country full of interesting facts. While it might not be the first country you think of when you hear the word “facts”, there are so many things that make it unique. Some of these include its unique culture, geography and history as well as some key figures who have shaped our world today. If you want to learn more about this amazing country then check out our other articles on Japan! 


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